Formulářové prvky Select2 v Joomla 3

SELECT2 form elements in Joomla - example component

Test 1: HTML select list & simple select2

Your most favourite town/city:

Note that width is inherited from style atribute of the select form element.

Test 2: JHtml 'select.genericlist' & select2 items with image

Your favourite car:

Note that width is set as an option of JHtml 'formbehavior2.select2'

Test 3: JHtml 'select.groupedlist' & select2 multiple items with image

What countries did you visit? (names in Czech)

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Stáhněte si komponentu pro Joomla 3.x s ukázkou Select2 formulářových prvků a otestujte na vašem webu
Select2 Joomla demo komponenta