- Details
Vlastimil Vašek
Category: Joomla
Published: 18 March 2014
I. Simple select list with Select2 format
JHtml::_('formbehavior2.select2', '.test1');
<select class="test1" style="width: 220px;" id="town" name="town">
<option selected="selected" value="0"> - Please select - </option>
<option value="1">Prague</option>
<option value="2">Litomyšl</option>
<option value="3">Brno</option>
<option value="4">New York</option>
<option value="5">San Francisco</option>
<option value="6">Wien</option>
<option value="7">Berlin</option>
<option value="8">Rome</option>
<option value="9">Venice</option>
<option value="10">Paris</option>
<option value="11">Barcelona</option>
<option value="11">Madrid</option>
<option value="11">London</option>
II. Select2 list with images in option items
// some CSS
img.item {
padding-right: 10px;
vertical-align: middle;
img.car {
height: 25px;
// string $opt - second parameter of formbehavior2::select2
// for details http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/
$opt = ' allowClear: true,
width: "50%",
formatResult: function format(state) { if (!state.id) return state.text; return "<img class=\'item car\' src=\'media/com_test1/" + state.id.toLowerCase() + ".png\'/>" + state.text; },
escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; }
JHtml::_('formbehavior2.select2', '.test2', $opt);
// prepare data for JHtml select.genericlist
$cars = Array(
Array('value' => 'audi', 'text' => 'Audi'),
Array('value' => 'bmw', 'text' => 'BMW'),
Array('value' => 'citroen', 'text' => 'Citroen'),
Array('value' => 'dodge', 'text' => 'Dodge'),
Array('value' => 'fiat', 'text' => 'Fiat'),
Array('value' => 'ford', 'text' => 'Ford'),
Array('value' => 'chrysler', 'text' => 'Chrysler'),
Array('value' => 'mazda', 'text' => 'Mazda'),
Array('value' => 'nissan', 'text' => 'Nissan'),
Array('value' => 'peugeot', 'text' => 'Peugeot'),
Array('value' => 'seat', 'text' => 'Seat'),
Array('value' => 'skoda', 'text' => 'Škoda'),
Array('value' => 'subaru', 'text' => 'Subaru'),
Array('value' => 'toyota', 'text' => 'Toyota')
$attr = array(
'id' => 'cars',
'list.select' => 'bmw',
'list.attr' => 'class="test2" '
// produce select list of "test2" class which will be Select2 formated with given options
echo JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $cars, 'cars', $attr);
III. JHtml 'select.groupedlist' & select2 multiple items with image
Array $countries
is a good example of source data for JHtml 'select.groupedlist'. Usage of it is not documented very well.
// some CSS
img.item {
padding-right: 10px;
vertical-align: middle;
// string $opt - second parameter of formbehavior2::select2
// for details http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/
$opt = ' allowClear: true,
width: "70%",
formatResult: function format(state) { if (!state.id) return state.text; return "<img class=\'item\' src=\'media/com_test1/" + state.id.toLowerCase() + ".png\'/>" + state.text; },
formatSelection: function format(state) { if (!state.id) return state.text; return "<img class=\'item\' src=\'media/com_test1/" + state.id.toLowerCase() + ".png\'/>" + state.text; },
escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; }
JHtml::_('formbehavior2.select2', '.test3', $opt);
// prepare data for JHtml select.groupedlist
$countries = Array(
'value' => '', 'text' => 'Afrika',
'items' => Array(
Array('value' => 'DZA', 'text' => 'Alžírsko'),
Array('value' => 'AGO', 'text' => 'Angola'),
Array('value' => 'ZMB', 'text' => 'Zambie'),
Array('value' => 'ZWE', 'text' => 'Zimbabwe')
'value' => '', 'text' => 'Asie',
'items' => Array(
Array('value' => 'AFG', 'text' => 'Afghánistán'),
Array('value' => 'ARM', 'text' => 'Arménie'),
Array('value' => 'VNM', 'text' => 'Vietnam'),
Array('value' => 'TLS', 'text' => 'Východní Timor')
'value' => '', 'text' => 'Austrálie a Oceánie',
'items' => Array(
Array('value' => 'AUS', 'text' => 'Austrálie'),
Array('value' => 'COK', 'text' => 'Cookovy ostrovy'),
Array('value' => 'TUV', 'text' => 'Tuvalu'),
Array('value' => 'VUT', 'text' => 'Vanuatu')
'value' => '', 'text' => 'Evropa',
'items' => Array(
Array('value' => 'ALB', 'text' => 'Albánie'),
Array('value' => 'BEL', 'text' => 'Belgie'),
Array('value' => 'UKR', 'text' => 'Ukrajina'),
Array('value' => 'VAT', 'text' => 'Vatikán')
'value' => '', 'text' => 'Jižní Amerika',
'items' => Array(
Array('value' => 'ARG', 'text' => 'Argentina'),
Array('value' => 'BOL', 'text' => 'Bolívie'),
Array('value' => 'URY', 'text' => 'Uruguay'),
Array('value' => 'VEN', 'text' => 'Venezuela')
'value' => '', 'text' => 'Severní Amerika',
'items' => Array(
Array('value' => 'AIA', 'text' => 'Anguilla'),
Array('value' => 'BHS', 'text' => 'Bahamy'),
Array('value' => 'TTO', 'text' => 'Trinidad a Tobago'),
Array('value' => 'USA', 'text' => 'USA')
$attr = array(
'id' => 'countries',
'list.attr' => 'class="test3" multiple '
// produce select list of "test3" class and multiple attribute which will be Select2 formated with given options
JHtml::_('select.groupedlist', $countries, 'countries', $attr); ?>